Your RP (In-Game) Name:
Donald Goth
Your Steam name:
Donald Goth
Your SteamID:
What is your current Time Zone?
Central Standard Time
How old are you?:
13, but I am mature for my age.
Have you ever been an administrator/position of rank on our/another server?:
No, I have not.
What is your playtime on the Server? (1 Day Total Is Required):
24 Hours
How many warns do you have total?:
Why should we pick you for Staff (minimum 30 words)
I am Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, and Responsible. (I have other qualities, but I feel as though those are most important.) I have taken leadership roles in the past and think that I am fit for this one.
How would you describe your self / ability to manage players? Any strengths or weaknesses?
I'm a decent human being that just wants to make things enjoyable for myself and other people, If I can I will help other players out.
Do you have a Microphone?:
How many hours can you be on a week?:
I've been on the server for 3 days and have over 24 hours. So 24+ a week.
Can you do anything else for SnazzyRP?:
I can stay on pretty much from when I wake up to like 12am
What are some useful ULX commands for a staff member?
God While Staff on Duty
Goto, Bring, Return (after sit) Freeze, Maybe Kick depending on the Circumstances
What would you do if 2 players are arguing in a sit, and name calling / verbal abuse persists between the both of them?
If not speaking in turn, gag one that called the sit, let the other player speak, then vise versa
List the commands to Jail someone for 120 seconds, Warn someone for NLR, and ban someone named "Davy Crocket" permanently!
!jail (player name) 120
!warn (Name) NLR
!Ban Davy Crocket
Do you meet all the requirements?
I technically do not meet the age requirement, but I am mature
Other information you would like to tell us(Optional)?:
My real name is Jacob, not Donald. This is the first server I've applied for, and That's pretty much all I have to share.
Your RP (In-Game) Name:
Donald Goth
Your Steam name:
Donald Goth
Your SteamID:
What is your current Time Zone?
Central Standard Time
How old are you?:
13, but I am mature for my age.
Have you ever been an administrator/position of rank on our/another server?:
No, I have not.
What is your playtime on the Server? (1 Day Total Is Required):
24 Hours
How many warns do you have total?:
Why should we pick you for Staff (minimum 30 words)
I am Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, and Responsible. (I have other qualities, but I feel as though those are most important.) I have taken leadership roles in the past and think that I am fit for this one.
How would you describe your self / ability to manage players? Any strengths or weaknesses?
I'm a decent human being that just wants to make things enjoyable for myself and other people, If I can I will help other players out.
Do you have a Microphone?:
How many hours can you be on a week?:
I've been on the server for 3 days and have over 24 hours. So 24+ a week.
Can you do anything else for SnazzyRP?:
I can stay on pretty much from when I wake up to like 12am
What are some useful ULX commands for a staff member?
God While Staff on Duty
Goto, Bring, Return (after sit) Freeze, Maybe Kick depending on the Circumstances
What would you do if 2 players are arguing in a sit, and name calling / verbal abuse persists between the both of them?
If not speaking in turn, gag one that called the sit, let the other player speak, then vise versa
List the commands to Jail someone for 120 seconds, Warn someone for NLR, and ban someone named "Davy Crocket" permanently!
!jail (player name) 120
!warn (Name) NLR
!Ban Davy Crocket
Do you meet all the requirements?
I technically do not meet the age requirement, but I am mature
Other information you would like to tell us(Optional)?:
My real name is Jacob, not Donald. This is the first server I've applied for, and That's pretty much all I have to share.